Freeman Smith
It’s your choice, America. Go back or move forward.
Let’s excise our old, unpleasant, burdensome history. Let’s invent an American past we can rally around and get back to that place. Let’s bring back Fonzie and those Happy Days. Or get us back some 1864, and some all-out Civil War.

About the Author
Freeman Smith is an American born artist and writer. He lives, travels, observes, and writes about America. He enjoys attending music festivals, local zoning hearings and vaguely – if at all – sanctioned, suburban, underground, neighbor against neighbor, MMA events with his rescue dog, Eddie VH. He’s played basketball in Rucker Park and at the Aspen Meadows Resort. He can intuit a person’s entire belief system based on their views of the NBA and confirm the competition was much better at the Ruck than at the Aspen resort.